About Us

Welcome to our church site – the website of a church that has united Methodist and United Reformed traditions since 1980. We invite you to look around and get a feel for our church. Feel free to share any comments or questions that might be on your mind through our online contact page.

In 1861 our Church building was constructed in a matter of little more than six months and began as a Congregational Chapel, now the second oldest place of continuous worship, on the same site in Littlehampton, something to be proud of. One wonders what Revd Knight, the first Minister, and the founder members of the Church would make of all the changes that have taken place since the first service; especially the more relaxed and varied forms of worship since the austere days of the 1860’s.

For detailed history compiled by church member Jill Belchamber go here:

LUC History

Special services and an exhibition, which had been planned at an earlier date, began a series of events during the 150″ Anniversary year, the first being on 17″ April 2011 to celebrate the laying of the Foundation Stone when Revd Tom Stuckey was the guest Preacher, culminating on the 16″ October with a service of Thanksgiving to recognise the date of the first service held in the new Church. The Preacher then was Andy Frost from Share Jesus International. During the intervening months various functions took place including a reunion weekend with invitations to past members and youth groups, when artefacts, photographs and a written account of the Church’s history since 1861 were on display.

Since the first of January 2025 there has been a significant change in life at the The United Reformed Church in Littlehampton. Since that date we have welcome Trinity Church to use Sunday mornings for their worship and activities with young people. The United Church congregation continues to meet and share a short time of worship on a Friday morning. Members otherwise share with Trinity or attend at St Andrews URC, Holmes Lane, Rustington.

We believe that God’s love and grace extends to all people. We welcome all into our church family, and into a walk with Jesus Christ, regardless of race, gender, marital status, nation of origin, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, economic status, or any other label placed upon people.  We will continue to challenge the community and the church where it continues to discriminate against people on any of these grounds. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, if you seek to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) you are welcome into the life  of Littlehampton United Church.

We welcome those who wish to share major life events with us: to have your children baptised, to get married or to say farewell to a loved one in funeral or service of thanksgiving.

We trust you  will find a welcome at our church, on a Friday or a Sunday,  or in one of the groups who form the growing community here.