The Friends of Mombasa Children
Christmas Tree Festival, 8th and 9th December 2017
I am very pleased to report a tremendous response to our invitations from church groups, local schools, organisations that use the church, local firms and charities.
So far, we are expecting trees from Wednesday Fellowship, Broadwater Cof E Primary School, Tea and Chat, Arun Care, Open Hands Prayer Group, Home Group, St Barnabus, Stage Door, River Beach School, RNLI, Citizen’s Advice, and WCHP, with several more groups and our near neighbours in the High Street expressing their interest. Our own Church Tree this year will be a real tree and we hope to use the stem as our Lenten Cross in 2018. Apologies to Carol for the needles but a piece of plastic from an artificial tree just won’t look the same by Lent!
On Friday evening the festival will run from 4.00pm to 7.00pm and on Saturday, from 10.00am to 4.00pm
On Friday evening: there will be carol singing. Tea, Coffee, and Mince pies will be served.
On Saturday there will be recorded Christmas music in the church, refreshments in the coffee lounge and The Friends of Mombasa Children will be holding their
Pre – Christmas Sale in the Knight Hall.
Talk to Chris Azzaro for more information or if you can help in any way