Join thousands in shining a light this Christmas

A nationwide Christmas campaign ‘Shine Your Light’ is calling hundreds of thousands to unite in towns, villages and cities this Christmas to take the message outdoors.

The initiative is led by the National Day of Prayer and Worship in collaboration with many denominations and key ministries; including HOPE Together, Myriad, Premier Christian Radio, Redeemed Christian Church of God and the Evangelical Alliance.

The vision for Shine Your Light is that the whole Church across England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic stand united to share the Gospel to the whole of society this Christmas. Every local church and believer is being encouraged to be a light to shine to brighten up the whole country like a Christmas tree.

Shine Your Light will run on the weekend of 16 and 17 December, but with an emphasis on community events and activities, including Nativities and family focused opportunities taking place on the Saturday. These events will take place around town halls, high streets, town and shopping centres as well as other public places.

To link the national and local church together, the campaign aims to provide an online map highlighting all the events that are taking place over that weekend, with website signposting.

A specific website, has been created with a social media campaign to run alongside. All partners of the campaign will be sharing resources via the digital resources section for use by local churches.

There will be a number of things which churches can order, including artificial candles, bespoke booklets and sound files with the official music for the weekend.

Speaking about the launch of Shine Your Light, Dr Jonathan Oloyede, Convenor of the National Day of Prayer and Worship, said: “We are inviting Christians from the North, East, South and West of these Isles to join us in Shining Their Light in their communities this Christmas. Imagine the impact of hundreds of thousands of Christians taking the message of Jesus into all public places and spaces.”

To sign up your local church in Shine Your Light, please visit:


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