Prayers to mark the third anniversary of Russia’s war on Ukraine

24 February 2025 marks the third anniversary of Russia’s full-scale attack on Ukraine, the largest war in Europe since 1945.

According to the United Nations, around 12,500 civilians, including 650 children, have died. Around 46,000 Ukrainian soldiers have also been killed in action.

A just peace is still not within reach.

To mark the anniversary, the following prayers are written by church leaders in Transcarpathia, Ukraine. We hope that these prayers will help us to join in the lament and hope of our Ukrainian siblings. You might wish to use them in your intercessions as we unite in prayer for peace:

Excerpt from a prayer by the Revd Erika Margitics, Minister of the Reformed Congregation in Beregszász (Berehove):

Our Almighty Loving Lord,

We praise you that your protecting hand over us hasn’t yet become weary! It is so wonderful to know that you are greater than war, greater than our thoughts, greater than our own limitations.

We thank you for the peace you will surely give one day. And for the peace you already grant us, even under circumstances which don’t offer reasons for hope.

We pray for true peace for the whole country. We pray for those who pray with us. And we pray also for those who do not keep us in their prayers.

Lord, teach us to love. To love as you love. To love truly, even if it is hard in this time of war. For it is this love that liberates us to be truly grateful. This act of love has given, gives and continues to give hope and a future in all circumstances.


Excerpt from a prayer by Zsuzsanna Danku, Elder and wife of the Lay President of the Reformed Church in Transcarpathia.

We thank you, O God,

that you have kept us alive in the midst of burdens and troubles. We believe, Lord, that even in these three years of war, nothing has happened to us without your knowledge. But we also know from your word that it is not your will. You did not create the world for this.

Be with all those who have lost their loved ones. Carry them through the pain of grief, since only you can comfort them. Please grant the wounded people both physical and spiritual healing.

Bless those who pray for us. From the depths of our souls, we ask you to bring about peace in an instant. We echo the psalmist’s words, “For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.” (Psalm 122:8)

In the name of Jesus Christ, hear our prayer.


Excerpt from a prayer by the Revd Sándor Zán Fábián, Bishop of the Reformed Church in Transcarpathia.

Our Heavenly Father,

I am grateful for all the people you have kept safe from the ravages of war. I am grateful for those who stayed in Ukraine despite all the dangers and difficulties.

I am grateful for the children born in the years of the war. Thank you for the care, the homes and the health they have experienced.

I am grateful for all the strength, hope and faith you have given to me. Thank you for the people who have helped, encouraged and supported our community in many ways.

I trust in your love. I trust in your might and in your grace. I ask you to share the gift of your love with those suffering from war. By your power above all, create peace. Please, grant your grace to all of us sinful and miserable human beings so that we learn to forgive one another and to love.

In the name of Jesus Christ, hear my prayer.


Banner image: Nataliya Melnychuk/Unsplash.

All other images: Kevin Snyman.


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