Hello everyone and welcome to The Week Ahead.
Tomorrow marks International Women’s Day, this year’s theme is #BalanceforBetter.
Mike Ivatt will be staffing the out-of-hours media emergency support line on 020 7467 5170.
Wishing you all a wonderful week,
Rosie Winn and Mike Ivatt
Media Office
Book launch: From a Mother’s Pen
As part of the Susanna 350 celebrations, a new book has been published, ‘From a Mother’s Pen: Selections from the spiritual writing of Susanna Wesley’. The book is going to be launched on Thursday 16 May, at 6pm in Wesley’s Chapel, London. Book your free place and find out more here.
Job opportunities with the Connexional Team
Ordination Exploration Day
Is God calling you to ordained Ministry? Register for the new Ordination Exploration Day to learn more about the call. The day takes place at Methodist Church House on Saturday 4 May. Further dates will follow for late 2019 and early 2020 in other locations.
It’s the first week of Lent, and many will be making sacrifices and changes to their lifestyle. Read some of the first impressions and reactions of those taking part in the environment-conscious Living Lent campaign here.
A day to reflect on the Cistercian tradition and the life and writings of Aelred, Abbot of Rievaulx takes place on Saturday 20 July 2019. The day will be based at the Methodist chapel in Rievaulx and includes admission to the Abbey. Book with Siân Henderson;
Methodist Ministers’ Housing Society
The Methodist Ministers’ Housing Society (MMHS) has moved. Their new address is 109 Baker Street, London W1U 6RP and the new general number is 020 3848 6020.
MMHS provide housing for retiring Methodist presbyters and deacons, their widowed partners and for ministers who retire early due to ill-health.
Enjoy cake and tea served by Georgian style re-enactors in the Georgian Tea Room at Radnor Hall, Wesley’s Chapel on Saturday 30 March, from 12pm – 3.30pm. Free entry, with donations for tea and cake. Entrance is on a first come, first served basis.
On the radio
Sunday Worship
BBC Radio 4, 8.10am
Sunday, 10 March
Dr Krish Kandiah presents the first in a series of live services for Lent from St Mary’s Church in Bowden, reflecting on forgiveness and building bridges between communities.
The Brexit PM
BBC Radio 4, 8.00pm
Monday, 11 March
Steve Richards talks to key insiders about Theresa May’s decisions, leadership and diplomacy through the turbulent years since the EU referendum. The first edition traces the story from July 2016, when she became prime minister, to the eve of the Chequers Brexit deal, recalling dramatic moments including the key speeches, the general election and its aftermath.
Mae Martin’s Guide to 21st Century Addiction
BBC Radio 4, 6.30pm
Wednesday, 13 March
Jim Al-Khalili talks to Ken Gabriel, the engineer responsible for popularising much of the technology found in smartphones and computers. He is now involved in developing driverless cars and drug-production systems for personalised medicine.
Travelling Blind
BBC Two, 7.00pm
Sunday, 10 March
Presenter Amar Latif has been blind since the age of 18 but embraces new experiences with an enthusiasm and willingness to take risks, the exact opposite of his travelling guide, comedian Sara Pascoe.
The Art of Japanese Life
BBC Four, 8.00pm
Tuesday, 12 March
We may admire Japanese technical ingenuity and enjoy a nice bit of sushi, but many of us are still in the dark about Japanese culture and ritual – centuries of deliberate isolation and vicious armed conflict haven’t helped. So it’s up to art historian Dr James Fox to turn his sharp, incisive intelligence on to the mysteries of Japanese art.
60 Days on the Streets
Channel 4, 9.00pm
Thursday, 14 March
Today, more people are sleeping rough than at any time since the Second World War. Ed Stafford gets a first-hand view of the crisis by spending two winter months living among the homeless people of three major cities.
Video Thursday: Radical Grace
A spoken word piece on the Radical Grace of God by Past Youth President, Craig Gaffney.
In the coming week, the 2018/2019 Methodist Prayer Handbook, A World Transformed, encourages us to pray with Christians in Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America, as well as Britain and Ireland. The theme for next week’s A Word in Time Bible studies is ‘The Christ for Others’. Order your Prayer Handbook here.
You can find the UK parliamentary business online here. If you want to find out about the Scottish Parliamentary calendar, click here and the timetable for the National Assembly for Wales, click here.
The Week Ahead is a regular mailing that gives you a heads-up on forthcoming events and opportunities, as well as highlighting new information and resources across the Methodist Church. We cannot know about everything that’s going on, so please do email us if you have any feedback or ideas for items to include.