Refugee Week is taking place from 20-26 June this year, with the theme of ‘Healing’. There is so much going on across the UK to celebrate the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees – we’ve picked out five things you and your church can do:
Reflect on Sanctuary each day
A new free resource for individual Christians and church communities invites reflection on the significance of sanctuary for our times. Written by Revd Dr Inderjit Bhogal and Dr Jayme R Reaves and titled Sanctuary: The Hospitality of Host, Guest and Stranger, it offers daily reflections, prayers and ideas for action during Refugee Week. Published by Churches Together and Britain and Ireland.
Sanctuary resource for Refugee Week – Sanctuary: The Hospitality of Host Guest and Stranger (ctbi.org.uk)
Carry out a Simple Act
Simple Acts are everyday actions we can all do to stand with refugees and make new connections in our communities. Inspired by this year’s Refugee Week theme of ‘healing’, suggestions include sending a message, sharing a dish, reading a book, and planting a seed.
Mark Refugee Week in your worship
Use All We Can’s worship resources, which are focused on the lectionary readings for Refugee Sunday (26 June), to reflect, learn, pray and give in solidarity with the 82.4 million people around the world who have been forced to flee their homes. Look out for a special Refugee Week edition of Politics in the Pulpit featuring All We Can on 21st June!
Church resources for Refugee Week 2022 – All We Can
Pledge to fight anti-refugee laws
New legislation passed in the UK this year makes it harder for people to be recognised as a refugee, and criminalises and punishes those who make their own way to safety in the UK. Join the campaign to reverse these cruel laws and defend the right to seek safety.
Hold a community picnic
The end of Refugee Week is an opportunity to invite those with lived experience of being asylum seekers and refugees, those who are involved in supporting them, and all in the community who want to show solidarity, to come together to simply share a meal, and enjoy each other’s company.
For details of other events and resources, visit https://refugeeweek.org.uk/
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Artwork by Nima Javan for Refugee Week.