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The Buzz brings all members of the Methodist Church in Britain together by sharing good news from across the Connexion. Your stories tell of the many different ways that the Church is working out the four aspects of Our Calling: Worship, Learning and Caring, Service and Evangelism.
What is God doing for you and in your area? Get in touch to share your stories.
Rosie Winn Media Officer
New beginnings
Driffield Methodist Church, East Yorkshire
A thanksgiving service was led by the Revd Leslie Newton, chair of the Yorkshire North and East District to commemorate their old chapel building before it was redeveloped. The new building will mark an exciting new beginning for the church and its congregation.
The new church will have sustainable design features, improved accessibility and a welcoming, safe, hygienic, and healthy environment for all church and community activities as well as facilitating an exciting set of new partnerships, mission and grant giving.
The building will make a significant contribution to the town centre regeneration, countering the change in emphasis from retail towards services, lifestyle and community engagement.
Fighting homelessness
West London Mission and Pret Foundation
Image: From left, Clive Schlee – CEO of Pret a Manger, Roger Clark – WLM’s interim CEO, Nicki Fisher – Head of the Pret Foundation, Revd Peter Cornick – WLM’s Superintendent Minister.
West London Mission (WLM) and the Pret Foundation have worked together to open a new shelter for the homeless.
Residents at Pret House, St Lukes will have their own private room and receive advice from WLM on how to get a bank account, save for a rental deposit and to develop literacy and computer skills. Pret House can accommodate up to thirteen people at a time for up to 6-12 month. The ambition is to help at least twenty homeless people off the streets by the end of the year.
Making worship more accessible Sign the Cross Deaf Church
The East Anglia District has celebrated the inaugural service of the ‘Sign the Cross Deaf Church’, which prioritises British Sign Language and a new style of worship promoting what is shown, done and experienced rather than what is said.
At Downham Market Methodist Church, the Revd Julian Pursehouse, district chair, led a service to recognise and officially welcome the work of the deaf community into the Methodist family. The Revd Anne Richardson was officially commissioned as the presbyter in pastoral charge of Sign the Cross, and two deaf women were welcomed into Methodist membership.
Sign the Cross is a network church working across denominational boundaries. Groups of deaf people meet monthly at Downham Market, in Norwich and in Lowestoft. The Revd Anne Richardson is keen to know of other Methodists working with British Sign Language users. For more information, please see www.signthecross.com.
Eco church award
Central Methodist Church, Helston
Image by Lisa Prout
Members of Central Methodist Church, Helston have been presented with a bronze award by the Eco Church Scheme. They are Cornwall’s second church to achieve the national award.
The church switched to an eco-energy provider, installed a water meter, increased recycling facilities and installed LED, low energy light bulbs were possible. An eco-column in the church magazine was introduced and members took part in a community beach clean. The Revd Andrew Hill, who led the service with the help of the church’s eco team, said: “There has been a lot of interest and involvement from all ages within the church.”
The scheme aims to encourage churches, their members and the wider community to enjoy and care for the natural world. Central Methodist Church, Helston is now working towards its silver award.
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