Hi everyone, and welcome to The Week Ahead.
Today we are celebrating World Press Freedom Day.
Andy Jackson will be staffing the out-of-hours support line this week on 020 7467 5170.
Wishing you all a wonderful week,
Rosie Winn Media Officer
Syria: The World’s War
Thursday 3 May
BBC Two, 9.00pm
In this two-part series, Lyse Doucet tells the story of one of the biggest humanitarian crises of our age, the Syrian civil war – seven years of brutal conflict, surpassing the length of World War II.
Inside Strangeways
Friday 4 May Channel 5, 10.00pm
Manchester’s Strangeways is one of the largest high security prisons in the country. For nearly 150 years this building has imprisoned some of the UK’s most dangerous criminals. Here, cameras look behind the bars to tell the stories of gang culture, penal punishment and the biggest prison riot in British history.
Tudor Monastery Farm
Tuesday 8 May
BBC Two, 4.15pm
Historian Ruth Goodman and archaeologists Peter Ginn and Tom Pinfold turn back the clock to run a farm at the Weald & Downland Open Air Museum in West Sussex as it would have been done in 1500 under the reign of Henry VII.
Saturday 5 May
BBC Radio 4, 10.15pm
Timandra Harkness and Leo Johnson explore how technology is disrupting the beliefs and practices of traditional faiths, and how it is providing the foundations for a ‘new religion’ for the 21st century and beyond.
Good Morning Sunday
Sunday 6 May
BBC Radio 2, 6.05am
Father Frankie Mulgrew joins Jason Mohammad and the Revd Kate Bottley to talk about faith and comedy.
Beyond Belief
Monday 7 May
BBC Radio 4, 4.30pm
Robert Beckford is joined by Reina Lewis, the Revd Sally Hitchiner, Michelle Honig and Simon Ward for a discussion on religion and fashion.
Thy Kingdom Come
Methodist Central Hall Westminster, London, will be hosting one of the Thy Kingdom Come Beacon events on Sunday 20 May to celebrate Pentecost and the end of Thy Kingdom Come, the global prayer movement. This family-friendly service will feature Archbishop Justin Welby, the Revd Canon Gareth J Powell, Secretary of the Methodist Conference and the Revd Loraine N Mellor, President of the Methodist Conference. Book your free place here.
Watch these short videos about prayer and find out about other Thy Kingdom Come Beacon events taking place.
GDPR training events
The Managing Trustees of local Methodist churches, circuits and districts are invited to two training events to support them with the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The events, offered by TMCP and the Connexional Team, take place on Tuesday 22 May at Central Buildings, Manchester (book your place here) and Tuesday 12 June at Methodist Church House, London (book your place here).
3Generate Manifesto
All presbyters were sent copies of the 3Generate manifesto and, new for this year, response postcards. Churches and groups are asked to complete and return their postcard so that children and young people can see how their manifesto is impacting the life of the Church.
Methodist Modern Art Collection postcard booklet
This booklet contains 24 pull-out postcards, featuring some of the most popular pieces from the collection, selected and arranged to tell the gospel story. Available here for £4.99, plus p+p.
the connexion magazine
This is a free magazine about the life and work of the Methodist Church, bringing together inspirational stories from Methodist people who are passionate about sharing God’s love to change lives. The latest edition is available here.
Credit/debit card readers
The Connexional Team is interested to hear from churches who have experience of using simple credit/debit card readers, such as iZettle or SumUp, to accept cashless donations. If you have tried this sort of alternative to the traditional offertory bag or plate, please contact ashfordm@methodistchurch.org.uk.
Resourcing Mission Forum
Circuit and district officers (Grants, Property and Treasurers) are invited to attend this event, from Tuesday 8 to Thursday 10 May at King’s Park Conference Centre, Northampton. Book your place here, the password is rmf2018.
This week in Parliament
You can find the UK parliamentary business online here. If you want to find out about the Scottish Parliamentary calendar, click here and the timetable for the National Assembly for Wales, click here.
In the coming week, the Prayer Handbook will be encouraging us to pray with Christians in West Africa, Britain and Ireland. The theme for next week’s A Word in Time Bible studies is Repentance and Return, written by Jenny Ellis.
Video Thursday: What do we mean when we pray Thy Kingdom Come?
This week’s film features Archbishop Justin Welby and the Revd Canon Gareth J Powell, Secretary of the Methodist Conference, discussing “What do we mean when we pray Thy Kingdom Come?” A truly fascinating conversation which also touches upon the life of John Wesley.