Hello everyone and welcome to The Week Ahead.
This week we are marking Wesley Day, Trinity Sunday and World Hunger Day.
Michael will be staffing the out-of-hours support line this week on 020 7467 5170.
Wishing you all a wonderful Bank Holiday and week.
Michael Ivatt and Rosie Winn The Media Office
Songs of Praise
Sunday 27 May
BBC One, 4.25pm
Claire McCollum visits Perth to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the Free Church of Scotland and discover the city’s pivotal role in the country’s religious history.
Wednesday 30 May
BBC One, 7.30pm
Reporter Mark Daly investigates the cases of two murderers who have each spent almost 20 years in prison having always protested their innocence.
Something Understood
Sunday 27 May
BBC Radio 4, 6.05am
Mark Tully considers the positive and negative aspects of anger, questioning when it is useful to be angry and when it does more harm than good.
Sunday Worship
Sunday 27 May
BBC Radio 4, 8.10am
One year after the terrorist attack at a concert full of young people in Manchester’s MEN Arena, the Bishop of Manchester, the Rt Revd Dr David Walker, reflects on the way faith communities came together to bring healing to individuals and groups across the city.
Plastic Fantastic
Monday 28 May
BBC Radio 4, 9.00pm
Mark Miodownik addresses over-reliance and misuse of plastic. He investigates some scientific solutions for alternatives to petrochemical plastic including microbes or plant materials, clever waste sorting technologies andeven using less plastic.
Wesley Day
Today is Wesley Day. On May 24, 1738, John Wesley wrote: “About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed.” The New Room Bristol is asking you to upload your photos on social media using the hashtag #InspiredByJohnWesley.
The Revd Loraine N Mellor, the President of the Methodist Conference, will preach at a Wesley Day celebration service at Wesley Cottage, Trewint in Cornwall, where John Wesley preached and stayed. The celebration is on Sunday 27 May from 4pm. Worship will be led by the Cornwall District Chair, the Revd Steve Wild, and an account of Wesley’s conversion will be read by Methodist Youth President Michael Pryke.
There are celebrations taking place tonight at St Paul’s Cathedral and Wesley’s Chapel and Leysian Mission. More details here.
Methodist Homes Sunday
Churches are encouraged to come together on Sunday 10 June to reduce loneliness and isolation for older people in the UK. You can download resources, request a speaker for your service and order Gift Aid or collection envelopes here.
Death of the Revd Dr Colin M Morris
We are sad to announce the death of the Revd Dr Colin M Morris, the renowned preacher, author and broadcaster, who served as President of the Methodist Conference in 1976.
Bursary scheme for overseas mission
Funding is available for short-term overseas mission. The bursary scheme will help young Methodist people, aged 18-25 years to encounter the Church’s mission, life and culture around the world through overseas short-term placements of 3 − 12 months.
The Wesley Historical Society
Bookings are now open for the Wesley Historical Society Triennial Conference, Annual Lecture and Annual General Meeting on Friday 22 and Saturday 23 June at Wesley House and Wesley Methodist Church, Cambridge. The keynote speaker is Lord Leslie Griffiths, Past President of the Methodist Conference.
21 for 21 Project
This project is looking for 21 young people who are building trust and harmony between people of different faiths. Do you know any young people who can show how their faith makes them more open to friendships and social action across cultural boundaries? Make your nomination here before 29 June.
World Weekend of Prayer
The World Weekend of Prayer on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 June unites adults and children across more than 40 countries. It is run by Viva, an international children’s charity, passionate about releasing children from poverty and abuse.
This week in Parliament
The UK Parliament is in recess and will next sit on Monday 4 June. If you want to find out about the Scottish Parliamentary calendar, click here and the timetable for the National Assembly for Wales, click here.
In the coming week, the Prayer Handbook encourages us to pray with Christians in the Pacific, Central, Southern and Northern Europe, Britain and Ireland. The theme for next week’s A Word in Time Bible studies is Enfolded in Love.
Video Thursday: Bishop’s Offley Methodist Chapel
In this week’s film, members of Bishop’s Offley Methodist Chapel describe the church’s transformation from a
run-down building at the edge of the village, to the heart of a growing community.