Hello everyone and welcome to The Week Ahead.
This week we are marking Slavery Memorial Day on Thursday 23 August.
Michael Ivatt will be staffing the out-of-hours media support line on 020 7467 5170.
Wishing you all a wonderful week.
Michael Ivatt and Rosie Winn The Media Team
Saving Planet Earth: Fixing a Hole
Saturday 18 August
Channel 4, 8.00pm
Scientists and politicians reveal how they spotted the giant hole in the stratosphere and, against all odds, persuaded Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher to take action.
Songs of Praise
Sunday 19 August
BBC One, 1.45pm
The Revd Kate Bottley visits the Great Yorkshire Show and discovers the central role played by the church in the event.
Eisteddfod 2018 with Jason Mohammad
Sunday 19 August
BBC Four, 7.00pm
All the highlights and stories from the annual event, discovering how this most ancient of festivals is evolving to remain a relevant cultural force.
Something Understood
Sunday 19 August
BBC Radio 4, 6.05am
Abdul-Rehman Malik discusses different religious beliefs concerning life after death, and how they have helped him to cope with the loss of a friend.
The Reunion
Sunday 19 August
BBC Radio 4, 11.15am
Sue MacGregor brings together five people who survived the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz.
Refugee Reminiscence
Monday 20 August
BBC Radio 4, 8.00pm
Three refugees talk about something special they have brought with them from their ‘old’ life and its importance to their new life here in the UK.
Concordat 50th Anniversary
Bishop Rosemarie Wenner reflects on the anniversary celebration last weekend between the Methodist Church in Britain and The United Methodist Church (UMC), marking 50 years of the formal agreement between the two.
Hostile environment
Church leaders have called for an end to the UK’s hostile environment in an open letter to the Home Secretary, Sajid Javid MP.
Called to Ministry
Are you sensing God’s call to become a minister, deacon or presbyter? To find out how and for more information on criteria, training and what to do next, click here.
Welcoming and commissioning pioneers
There are two new liturgies for welcoming and commissioning pioneers, available on the additional liturgies section of the Methodist Church website.
Youth President 2019/2020
If you know of any young person aged between 18 to 23 and a member of the Methodist Church, could they become our new Youth President? This one year paid appointment starts in August 2019. It is an exciting and rewarding opportunity to travel and work around the Connexion and overseas, supporting young people and leading worship.
Thy Kingdom Come feedback
Two Methodist resources were produced for Thy Kingdom Come: Waiting in Wonder and Resources for Prayer and Worship. If you used them, we would value your feedback.
OneSound, Youth Music in Christ, has a range of free musical weekends for people aged 16-26 who love singing or jamming with friends. The dates are: 24-28 August in Peterborough; 27 October in Castleford; 12 January 2019 in Bristol and 27 April 2019 in Northampton. The OneSound theme for its new season is ‘The Future Marches In’.
This week in Parliament
The UK Parliament, the Scottish Parliament and the National Assembly for Wales are in recess.
In the coming week, the Prayer Handbook encourages us to pray for the World Church, Christians in the Indian subcontinent and Asia, as well as Britain and Ireland. The theme for next week’s A Word in Time Bible studies is ‘Holy Living’.
Video Thursday: What’s great about ministry?
This week’s film features Superintendents reflecting on what they most appreciate about being a minister.