A series of round-table discussions is to take place on topics that are engaging the hearts and minds of the community, churches, local and national government. The first event is titled ‘Spiritual care in community health settings − Community Chaplaincy’ and takes place on Thursday 4 October, 10.30am-3.30pm at Free Church House, Tavistock Square, London. Book your place here.
A new, peer-driven initiative for church-based leaders has been launched in partnership with the Susanna Wesley Foundation. The experience will centre on a series of three, one-day events in Birmingham on Thursday 4 October, Thursday 2 November and Thursday 31 January 2019.
All We Can announces new CEO
Graeme Hodge has been appointed as CEO designate for All We Can and will assume the role of Chief Executive in December 2018.
Would you ‘sleep out of your comfort zone’ to help support homeless people? The West London Mission (WLM) is organising its annual Sleep Out from 7pm on Friday 26 October to 9am on Saturday 27 October, at St James’s Church, Piccadilly. Last year, WLM helped 249 people into safe accommodation. WLM relies on donations to continue its work, so join the Sleep Out to help the fight against homelessness.
100 Days of Peace and Hope
To commemorate 100 years since the end of World War I, churches are invited to take part in 100 days of prayer for peace, hope and reconciliation. It concludes on Sunday 11 November to mark Armistice Day.
A service of celebration is taking place to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Tolpuddle Methodist Old Chapel, Dorset, on Sunday 14 October at 3.00pm. The service will take place at the present Methodist Chapel, walking in procession to the Old Chapel, followed by refreshments in the village hall. The preacher will be the Revd Karen Gorham.
Reflect – Methodist Spirituality
Taking place on Saturday 20 October at the New Room, Bristol. The keynote speaker, the Revd Michaela Youngson, President of the Methodist Conference, will talk on ‘God’s Inconvenient Grace’. The event is open to all and will feature workshops, activities and worship with the AGM following on afterwards.
The next Christian Resources Exhibition takes place from 16-18 October at Sandown Park, Surrey. Click here and enter the code METH18 to save £5 on the day-of-admission ticket price.
On the radio
Disinformation: A User’s Guide
Friday 21 September
BBC Radio 4, 9.00pm
Phil Tinline mines the archives to trace the story of ‘disinformation’ – navigating the slippery history of such incidents as the Zinoviev Letter, the Reichstag Fire, the Moscow Trials and the allegations that the US used germ warfare in the Korean War.
Something Understood
Sunday 23 September BBC Radio 4, 6.05am
Rabbi Shoshana Boyd Gelfand argues that we are all fragile and explores the lessons we can learn from that fragility.
The Food Programme
Sunday 23 September
BBC Radio 4, 12.32pm
Stories of harvest from around the UK to celebrate the autumn equinox and the passing of summer.
Darwin’s Dangerous Ideas
Thursday 20 September BBC Four, 8.00pm
Andrew Marr traces the development of evolutionary theory from its beginnings to the present day, showing how it has influenced virtually every area of modern life.
Egypt’s Great Pyramid: The New Evidence
Saturday 22 September Channel 4, 8.00pm
Documentary shedding light on a fresh discovery at the foot of Egypt’s Great Pyramid, which may explain how the ancient Egyptians were capable of building such a vast structure without the aid of computers or complex machinery.
Monday 24 September BBC One, 8.30pm In this Panorama, Sean Fletcher, whose own teenage son Reuben has been hospitalised with severe obsessive compulsive disorder, investigates the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.
Video Thursday: The Early Church
In this week’s film, the Bible Society tells the story of the journey of the Early Church in 3 1/2 minutes.
In the coming week, the Prayer Handbook will be encouraging us to pray with Christians in Asia, the Pacific and northern Europe, as well as Britain and Ireland. The theme for next week’s A Word in Time Bible studies is ‘Vocation and Ministry’.
You can find the UK parliamentary business online here. If you want to find out about the Scottish Parliamentary calendar, click here and the timetable for the National Assembly for Wales, click here.
The Week Ahead is a regular mailing that gives you a heads-up on forthcoming events and opportunities, as well as highlighting new information and resources across the Methodist Church. We cannot know about everything that’s going on, so please do email us if you have any feedback or ideas for items to include.