Hello everyone and welcome to The Week Ahead.
This Sunday we are marking Remembrance Sunday and Inter Faith Week.
Rosie Winn will be staffing the out-of-hours media emergency support line on 020 7467 5170.
Wishing you all a wonderful week,
Rosie Winn and Mike Ivatt
Media Office
The Revd Lucy Berry, poet-in-residence for the Joint Public Issues Team, has written the poem That’s How It Was to commemorate Remembrance 2018. Resources
are available to help mark the centenary of end of WWI.
Fixed Odds Betting Terminals
Rachel Lampard, Team Leader of the Joint Public Issues Team, was interviewed on BBC Radio Nottingham regarding the delay in implementing FOBT policy. Listen here (1 hour 10 minutes in).
Dr Olubunmi Olayisade, Partnership Coordinator for Africa, was interviewed on UCB radio after rebels in Cameroon released 79 schoolchildren two days after kidnapping them from a Presbyterian Church school. Listen here.
Being a youth rep is an exciting experience that enables you to make a difference within the Church and to grow spiritually. Find out more about the different roles available.
Inter Faith Week (11-18 November) encourages good inter faith relations in local churches and communities. Find activities and events taking place here.
The National Counter Terrorism Security Office has an interactive eLearning tool aimed at people working in crowded places, including places of worship. The tool offers training to identify suspicious behaviour and advice on what to do should a suspected terrorist incident occurs.
The Free Churches Group have arranged a series of round table discussions on topics that are engaging the hearts and minds of the community. The next event is ‘Dementia – caring for the carers as well as those who have dementia’, on Wednesday 14 November at Free Church House, London. Book your place here.
On the radio
Thankful Villages
BBC Radio 4, 4.30pm
Sunday 11 November
Darren Hayman goes on a musical journey around the villages in Britain where every resident who served in WWI came safely home, and discovers their hidden stories.
Hashtag Pray
BBC Radio 4, 11.00am
Monday 12 November
Jane Little investigates what people mean when they say they have no religion, and if people can construct their own set of beliefs to replace an organised church.
Oliver Burkeman: Why Are We So Angry?
BBC Radio 4, 9.30am Wednesday 14 November
Oliver Burkema looks at the angry political environment we in the western world are living in today, exploring how emotion shapes the political world more than policy.
Life Is Wonderful: Mandela’s Unsung Heroes
Channel Five, 10.30pm
Saturday 10 November
The story of the famous trial of a group of anti-apartheid activists in South Africa, who were accused of attempting to bring down the government.
Panorama: The Universal Credit Crisis
BBC One, 7.30pm
Monday 12 November
Panorama meets families surviving on foodbank handouts as they struggle with their claims.
Songs of Praise
BBC One, 1.45pm
Sunday 11 November
Katherine Jenkins is in Southampton to mark 100 years since the end of WWI.
Sean Fletcher visits a Christian school project using contemporary music to engage young people in what peace means for their generation.
Video Thursday: To be a Forces child
This week’s film gives an insight into the experiences of children and young people whose parents are in the military. It reminds us that many people continue to make a sacrifice for our freedom and wellbeing.
In the coming week, the 2018/2019 Methodist Prayer Handbook, A World Transformed, encourages us to pray with Christians in Asia, the Pacific and Europe, as well as Britain and Ireland. The theme for next week’s A Word in Time Bible studies is ‘The Cost of Ministry’. Order your Prayer Handbook here.
You can find the UK parliamentary business online here. If you want to find out about the Scottish Parliamentary calendar, click here and the timetable for the National Assembly for Wales, click here.
The Week Ahead is a regular mailing that gives you a heads-up on forthcoming events and opportunities, as well as highlighting new information and resources across the Methodist Church. We cannot know about everything that’s going on, so please do email us if you have any feedback or ideas for items to include.