Hello everyone and welcome to ‘The Week Ahead’.
On Sunday we celebrate Aldersgate Sunday.
Jillian Moody will be staffing the out-of-hours media emergency support line on 020 7467 5170.
Wishing you all a wonderful week,
the Communications team
This Sunday is Aldersgate Sunday – it recalls the day in 1738 when John Wesley attended a group meeting in Aldersgate, London, where he received an experience of assurance of his salvation. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate the work of God in our lives, and to reflect on how we should respond to everything that God has given us. Five hymns are available here, and there are more resources on our website.
3Generate needs the input of young adults in order to develop their 19 – 23 year old group programme. If you are in this age group, please fill out the questionnaire (it will take about 6 – 7 minutes).
New Courses, Cliff College
Cliff College has a new short course programme for the 2019 – 2020 academic year. The Methodist ‘Worship: Leading and Preaching’ training section will bring together the successful ‘WLP Spring’ and ‘WLP Summer School’ weeks which have run over a number of years, with a new initiative ‘WLP in a Year’, enabling those training to be Methodist worship leaders and local preachers to complete their training within one academic year. Find out more.
Exploring Ordained Ministry
We have additional dates for those wishing to explore their Call to Ministry.
Saturday 5 October 2019 (for 18 – 30’s) at Methodist Church House, London – book here.
Saturday 29 February 2019 at Methodist Church House, London – book here.
Please spread the word to those who you believe may be called by God to lead our Church.
The Sandford St Martin Awards
The Sandford St Martin Awards celebrate the best TV and radio about faith, belief and ethics. One of these awards – The Radio Times Readers’ Award – is currently open for votes. See the nominations and cast your vote by 19 May. The winners will be announced at the Sandford St Martin Awards ceremony at Lambeth Palace, London, on 13 June.
Church Architecture Awards
Nominations for the 2019 Church Architecture Awards are now open. The awards are open to projects including re-ordering, roof, spire or tower repairs as well as for extensions and new buildings. Nominations by a church, architect or surveyor can be made on their website by 1 July. The award ceremony will take place on 31 October.
National Estate Churches Network
Bookings for the National Estate Churches Network Conference on 20 June in Brimingham are now open. It will be a day of sharing wisdom and stories from estate churches and projects around the country, including an address by Methodist Youth President, Jasmine Yeboah, who grew up on an estate in London.
MHA invite church groups to celebrate MHA Sunday on 9 June by observing the theme ‘One Sunday’ and looking at ways in which we can make our worship as inclusive as possible. As the Sunday coincides with Pentecost some churches may prefer to hold a service on an alternative Sunday. A range of worship resources can be downloaded from the MHA website.
Thursday video: How Aldersgate changed John Wesley
Aldersgate Day recalls John Wesley’s conversion experience on May 24, 1738. The founder of Methodism attended a religious meeting on Aldersgate Street in London and “felt his heart strangely warmed.” This video is from the United Methodist Church.
In the coming week, the 2018/2019 Methodist Prayer Handbook, ‘A World Transformed‘, encourages us to pray with Christians in Asia Europe and the Pacific, as well as Britain and Ireland. The theme for next week’s A Word in Time Bible studies is ‘Spiritual Gifts’. Order your Prayer Handbook here.
You can find the UK parliamentary business online here. If you want to find out about the Scottish Parliamentary calendar, click here and the timetable for the National Assembly for Wales, click here.
‘The Week Ahead’ is a regular mailing that gives you a heads-up on forthcoming events and opportunities, as well as highlighting new information and resources across the Methodist Church. We cannot know about everything that’s going on, so please do email us if you have any feedback or ideas for items to include.