The Week Ahead

27 June 2019

Hello everyone and welcome to ‘The Week Ahead’.

This week we are at the Methodist Conference (27 June – 4 July) in Birmingham. We pray for all those attending and for its work.

Anna McCrum will be staffing the out-of-hours media emergency support line on
020 7467 5170.

Wishing you all a wonderful week,

the Communications team

Conference live

You can join the Conference from home or church using the live stream.

Live streaming schedule

Friday 28 June 2.15pm – 2.45pm:

Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance

Saturday 29 June from 2.15pm:

Opening of the Conference, Addresses, and Conference Business

Sunday 30 June from 10.45am:

Reception into Full Connexion and Conference Worship. A test stream will start at approx. 10.15am

Monday 1 July – Thursday 4 July:

Conference Business (unless in closed session) and Wednesday Communion Service

For more details, see the Conference programme.

Join the conversation on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram using #MethodistConf.


In 2019, Ordination Services will take place on the afternoon of Sunday 30 June. A list of ordinands, and the venues at which they will be ordained, can be found herePlease pray for all those being ordained.

Exhibitors and fringe events

Details of exhibitors and fringe events are available on the website . While fringe events are free to attend, many must be booked in advance to avoid missing out. Please note, for some events, registration is now closed.

Walk to Conference

President Designate of the Methodist Conference, the Revd Dr Barbara Glasson is walking 121+ miles to the Methodist Conference. The group have been fundraising for All We Can.Those attending Conference are invited to greet the walkers at 12pm, noon on Saturday 29 June.

Thursday video: Conference, Now & Then

In this week’s film, the Revd Ward Jones reflects on the origins of the Methodist Conference and what it is like today.


In the coming week, the 2018/2019 Methodist Prayer Handbook, ‘A World Transformed, encourages us to pray with Christians in Europe and Africa, as well as Britain and Ireland. The theme for next week’s A Word in Time Bible studies is ‘The Gospel of the Spirit’. Order your Prayer Handbook here.


You can find the UK parliamentary business online here. If you want to find out about the Scottish Parliamentary calendar, click here and the timetable for the National Assembly for Wales, click here.

‘The Week Ahead’ is a regular mailing that gives you a heads-up on forthcoming events and opportunities, as well as highlighting new information and resources across the Methodist Church. We cannot know about everything that’s going on, so please do email us if you have any feedback or ideas for items to include.


Office hours: 020 7467 5191

Urgent out-of-hours support from the Media team:
020 7467 5170

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