In April 2020, the JPIT partner Churches joined the UN
Secretary General’s call for a global ceasefire to enable Governments to
respond to the threat of Coronavirus, along with many civil society groups and
over 70 nations.
On 1st July, the UN Security Council unanimously
adopted a resolution expressing their support for the global ceasefire,
demanding general and immediate cessation of hostilities in all situations on
its agenda. They committed to call upon all parties to armed conflict to engage
in a durable humanitarian pause for at least 90 consecutive days.[1]
This is of huge significance. The Norwegian Refugee Council
has identified that 661,000 people around the world have been forced to flee
their homes between 23rd March and 15th May from armed
conflict, 480,000 of which are in the DRC.[2]
People have been forced into refugee camps that are overcrowded, unsanitary and
lacking vital medical and food supplies.
For millions in conflict zones around the world, commitment
to this ceasefire opens space for humanitarian aid workers to bring much needed
medical supplies as well as food to regions threatened by famine during the
pandemic. The UN have also instructed their 13 peacekeeping missions to support
host country efforts to contain the coronavirus, adding extra resource to this
What next?
These high-level decisions are of course vital. But now
parties in conflict must choose to adopt the temporary ceasefire. Disseminating
support for the ceasefire across parties to conflict is essential. This is the
next step in ensuring that the end to conflict can mean a just response to the
For example, following calls for a ceasefire the government
of Cameroon has initiated talks with Anglophone separatist rebels. These
ceasefire talks are essential to avoid further displacement of people from
their homes and to ensure that all are able to receive medical attention
necessary amidst the pandemic. However, despite these ceasefire talks both
sides of the conflict have been accused of further incidents of violence. Last
week, a Cameroonian Médecins Sans Frontières community health worker was
kidnapped and killed by separatists in the region.[4]
Whilst the government and separatists engage in ceasefire
talks, humanitarian workers have stressed the need to have unrestricted access
to the whole population to carry out life-saving interventions. Churches in the
region have also added their voices to those calling for a ceasefire, both for
its immediate value in tackling the pandemic and to begin more sustained
There is also hope from peacemakers around the world that
this temporary humanitarian ceasefire will open up space for dialogue in
conflict-hit regions. In the past, this has certainly been the case, for
example during a ceasefire negotiated in the Indonesian province of Aceh after
the 2004 Tsunami. Rescue efforts here helped initiate a peace process that
eventually ended a conflict that has spanned decades.[5]
How might this happen?
The UK government has committed to supporting a global
ceasefire, and has also committed £764 million to humanitarian and public
health needs.[6]
However, it was also announced this month that the UK will resume exporting
arms to Saudi Arabia despite this being ruled unlawful and suspended for the
past year.[7]The
Security Council’s Global Ceasefire does not cover military action against
Islamic State in Iraq, the Levant, Al-Qaida and Al-Nusra Front meaning some UK
military action is expected to continue.[8]
The UK has a role in both observing a ceasefire in the
conflicts in which it plays a part, and using its diplomatic powers to help
negotiate and support ceasefires worldwide. Whilst attention is focussed on
supporting a UK recovery from the pandemic, we can and must support these vital
steps for peace elsewhere.
One strand of the work of JPIT is around “A world which actively works for peace”.
Over the last few months, thousands on individuals and groups have been doing
just that, opening spaces for humanitarian aid and constructive dialogue to
bring about ceasefires. Despite setbacks and challenges that cannot be ignored,
these areas of progress must be welcomed. The voices insisting on peace,
negotiation and reconciliation must ring out clear to provide protection in the
midst of this pandemic and beyond.
[1] https://www.un.org/press/en/2020/sc14238.doc.htm
[2] https://www.nrc.no/news/2020/may/armed-conflict-displaces-660000-since-un-call-for-global-ceasefire/
[3] https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/07/1067552
[4] http://www.cameroon-info.net/article/cameroon-anglophone-crisis-doctors-without-borders-condemn-killing-of-community-health-worker-by-separatists-377070.html
[5] https://www.ft.com/content/0209306c-8861-11ea-a01c-a28a3e3fbd33
[7] https://www.forbes.com/sites/dominicdudley/2020/07/07/uk-resumes-arms-sales-saudi-arabia-sanctioning-officials-murder/#21df6ecc49a7
[8] https://www.un.org/press/en/2020/sc14238.doc.htm