In this edition of World Church News, we read of hope in the Mediterranean, testing times in Cameroon, exciting times in Hong Kong, and of ‘amazement’ in Germany.
Mediterranean Hope
In 2015, the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy launched the Mediterranean Hope project as a response to current migration issues. Read more
Testing times in Cameroon
Cameroon is a bilingual country that was ruled by different colonial powers. On 1 October 1961, the former French Cameroon and British Cameroon came together to form the Republic of Cameroon as we know it today. Read more
Exciting times
It was raining torrentially on 21 May 1893, Pentecost Sunday, when the Revd Charles Bone led the opening service for the first Wesleyan Methodist Chapel in Hong Kong. Read more
European Methodist Festival 2018: When dreams become reality
Some 850 people from across Europe and beyond attended the European Methodist festival ‘Staunen!’ which took place in the town of Dünenhof in Germany over the Ascension weekend. Read more
Death of the Revd Dr Colin M Morris
The Revd Dr Colin M Morris, renowned preacher, author and broadcaster who served as President of the Conference in 1976, died on Tuesday 22 May. Read more
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All the Partner Churches, partner organisations, NMA postholders, scholarship students and mission partners that you regularly read about in Word Church News are supported by the Methodist Church World Mission Fund, through the sharing of both resources and personnel. Donate now