Standing with those who suffer for their faith
Carolyn Lawrence represented the World Church Office at the launch of the World Watch List for 2019 in the Houses of Parliament. She writes about the work of the charity Open Doors and the support from MPs of all parties.
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People flee for their lives as volcano erupts
Our partners in the Methodist Church in Guatemala explain how money from the World Church Fund has been used to help.
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A call for an end to violence against women
A Global Consultation on gender equality was recently held in Kingston, Jamaica. This report is from Jemima Amanor, West Africa Area President for the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women (WFMUCW).
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Volunteer mission in Argentina
Tiana Dinard-Samuel continues to adapt to life in Buenos Aires.
“I’ve been in Buenos Aires for about two months. It feels simultaneously like I’ve just got here and like I’ve been here for ages.”
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Painting a picture of the streets of Lahore
Rachel Ullmer, Educational Mission Partner in Pakistan, writes about walking near her home in Pakistan.
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“Behold, I make all things new”
News from Sheila Norris in Nagasaki, Japan at the beginning of the new year.
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Outdoor swimming in November
Our Mission Partner, Anne Baldwin, sends news from Sri Lanka.
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New team members
Introducing Barry Sloan, our new European Partnership Coordinator and Julia Edwards who will be our Partnership Coordinator in the Pacific region.
The Revd Dr Barry Sloan is a native of Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland. He is married to Gillian and they have two adult children. Barry studied theology in London, Belfast and Washington D.C.
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Julia Edwards is a Mission Partner with the Methodist Church in Britain and has been based in the Pacific since 2010.
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Church twinning
A growing number of churches and circuits are building twinning links with Methodist Partner Churches around the world. Their aim is to share and learn in mission, understanding, culture and worship across Methodist communities – together.
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Ministerial EXCHANGE
We have received a letter from a minister in Canada asking if any UK minister would be interested in an informal short-term exchange. If you are a Methodist minister and would like to take part in this, let us know and we’ll put you in contact with him. Get in touch with us by emailing:
Would you like a speaker for a World Church event or service?
If you would like to invite a speaker to your event, please get in touch with Carolyn Lawrence at World Church Relationships. You can email her at:
A pilgrimage to India: Christian witness as a minority witness
And finally, a reminder of a planned pilgrimage to India to explore Christian witness in Punjab.
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