A message from the Secretary of the Conference

14 June 2023

Some of you will be aware that The Times has published an article about the President, the Revd Graham Thompson, and the Vice-President of the Conference, Anthony Boateng. As the article indicated, the concerns are different in each case and are being investigated; the Vice-President is currently suspended, but I would stress that suspension is a neutral act and is in place only to enable investigations to be completed. It would be inappropriate to comment any further on the details of these matters; we now need space and confidentiality to address the concerns as swiftly as possible.

Can I ask for your prayers for everyone in these difficult situations at this time – for those who feel hurt by actions or inactions on the part of the Church; for those who have raised concerns; for Anthony, Graham and those close to them; for all charged with administering our processes; for the Conference (and for Gill and Kerry, President- and Vice-President-designate) as we prepare to meet next week in these circumstances? And, as I am all too aware, frankly, that whatever I say will be inadequate for some and might even appear insensitive to others, can I ask mutual forbearance and, if you feel hurt, forgiveness and understanding, as we endeavour to speak with grace and care when it is right to speak and to be silent when no words will do?

If you have any questions or concerns about this, please refer them to me; if you are approached by a journalist or want guidance about anything you see on social media, please contact our Communications team.

​The Revd Dr Jonathan Hustler
The Secretary of the Conference

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