There are elections happening across England, Wales and
Scotland on Thursday 6 May.
What are the Churches doing?
In terms of the number of eligible voters it will be the
biggest expression of democratic opinion outside a UK General Election.
However, the elections
happening in different nations and places around Britain are for different
In Scotland, it will be a Parliamentary Election, with all
129 MSPs being elected.
In Wales, the same is true for the Senedd and its 60 MSs.
In England there will be a widespread round of elections to
local councils and metro mayors.
6 May 2021 will also see the elections that were due to take
place last year but that were postponed for 12 months due to Covid-19: for the
40 Police and Crime Commissioners across England and Wales, and London’s Mayor
and London Assembly.
Unlike a UK General Election, the issues at stake are going
to vary considerably depending on which election is happening in your area.
So, what’s a role of the Church in all this?
In the past many congregations have held hustings or election
meetings, allowing their community to come together in a public forum to put
questions to the candidates.
This act of civic generosity is not about pushing the
churches policy agenda, but instead providing a platform for constructive
debate and helping to inform voters about the choice that they face: a more
active participation in democracy than just putting an x in a box. It can be a
way of demonstrating support for democracy and the democratic process itself,
which after the scenes in the US Capitol last month, we are perhaps more aware
of its fragility and need to be protected.
Due to the Covid-19 restrictions on social distancing and events, we don’t expect there to be any in-person hustings this year. Because of this we’ve revamped our hustings information and guidance with ideas about how to take them online.
As we approach the election there may be opportunity for
preachers and church leaders to reflect on some of the big issues that face the
whole of society: Covid-19, Brexit, poverty, the climate crisis and so on. The
launch of a new preaching video
and podcast series Politics in the Pulpit
by JPIT’s Beth Allison-Glenny will be a really useful resource.
As individuals, and as church communities, we can pray for
the election: for candidates, agents, campaigners, for returning officers and
polling place staff, for those doing the count, for journalists and for voters.
Carol Wardman, the Bishops’ Adviser for Church and Society for the Church in
Wales has written this prayer for the elections:
Incarnate God,
at our creation you made us not separate from the world, but of the same substance;
and you entrusted us with the care of the Earth and of one another.
You gifted us with intellect, imagination and freedom to consider different models of government; and you call to public service women and men with hearts and minds
set on creating a harmonious and flourishing society.
Grant us, we pray, the discernment to use wisely our privilege of choice at this election,
treating with respect all those who put their time, energy and talents at our disposal.
Guide both electors and candidates with insight, compassion and unselfishness,
that together we may understand what are your priorities,
and make our homeland here on Earth a place where all people and all of your creation can thrive.
And, once the elections are over, it is time for the Church
to renew and build relationships and connections with political
representatives. The ‘Meet
Your MP’ and ‘Meet Your MSP’
programme could easily be adapted to ‘Meet Your MS’, ‘Meet Your Mayor’, ‘Meet
Your PCC’ and so on.
Through participation, dialogue, the sharing of ideas and
experience and reminding those in positions of power and influence of their
responsibility to everyone they represent, particularly those who struggle
against poverty and marginalisation – this is kingdom work.