Around the URC in seven days: 29 August – 5 September 2023

Last Updated on 29 August 2023 by Ann-Marie Nye

A round-up of news from around the United Reformed Church (URC) over the past seven days: 29 August to 5 September.

Eastern Synod

Thetford URC in Norfolk has found a simple way to show that part of its mission is to bring peace, show peace and pray for peace, by installing a peace pole in its gardens.

The church has taken part in World Peace’s peace pole project, a global movement
to spread the universal message “May Peace Prevail On Earth”.

Each peace pole bears the message in different languages on each of its four or six sides.

You can make your own from reclaimed materials and make it eco-friendly.

Learn more about the Peace Pole project.

Yorkshire Synod

Making use of recent good weather, Hornsea URC in East Yorkshire took the opportunity to hold a service outside in beautiful surroundings at the Mere, the largest freshwater lake in Yorkshire.

A fitting Bible verse, Mark 4:35-41 was read to provide parishioners with plenty of food for thought, and time to wonder and wander.

Northern synod

St Columba’s URC in North Shields has twinned all its toilets.

The church was originally invited by North Shields Heritology Project to twin a church toilet with one in Malawi via, a local and regional European oranisation that brings communities together, but it decided to twin all five toilets in the building, raising twice as much money as required in the process.

The church received its certificates from the Heritology Project at its Sunday morning service on 20 August. Afterwards, members toured the church toilets to hang the certificates on the walls.

Wigton Moore URC

Despite the recent rainy weather, members of Wigton Moore URC in Leeds all enjoyed an afternoon tea along the canal on a day trip to Skipton with friends from the church’s dance class and chair based groups, and community cafe.


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