Joint Public Issues Team Blog

Joint Public Issues Team Blog

Love Pray Vote

Posted: 11 Nov 2019 07:55 AM PST

As we approach a General Election on 12 December 2019, we’re inviting you to Love, Pray, Vote. But what does that look like?


“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you”
John 15:12

Politics plays an important role in how our society is run. It helps to influence our priorities and the opportunities we create in our communities. It enables us to advocate for different values and beliefs, putting them into action through policy making.

As Christians, we can use our opportunity to engage in politics as a chance to love our neighbour and our world.

When we look at the choices put before us in these elections, do they offer us the chance to show the deep, all inclusive, radical love God shows us?
What priorities can we set which will love those around us by amplifying the voice of the marginalised, challenging injustice and promoting peace?
What opportunities do we have to pioneer change which will safeguard the vulnerable, care for creation and welcome the stranger?

Importantly, this is a collective action. As we’re invited to love those around us, we are called to consider how the way we use our voice affects others. And, in pursuing God’s love in our neighbourhoods, communities and nation, we are offered the opportunity to build a society where all can flourish.

How might your choices in this election be a chance to show love in action? Check out our briefings on different issues in this election here.


“Pray continually”
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Elections are significant times in the life of our country. Spending time with God in prayer as we consider how to use our voice is important.

As we pray, we can ask God to deepen our awareness of situations, people or stories which might guide us to show God’s love deeper to all. It’s a chance to spend time reflecting on God’s promises to creation, and imaging what God’s kingdom come on earth might look like. As we do so, we pray that spending time in God’s presence will help us making loving decisions with the way we use our vote.

It’s also an opportunity to pray for those for whom the election period might be challenging. Political discourse has been particularly volatile in recent months, which will make some candidates feel more vulnerable. We can hold candidates standing in elections, and their families, in prayer during a busy time. For both those that we agree and disagree with, we can pray for peace and safety.

During the course of the election period, we will be releasing reflections and prayers. You can find them here.


“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
Micah 6:8

Voting in elections is a crucial part of making your voice heard. Make sure that you’re registered to vote, and that you have filled out forms for a postal or proxy vote as necessary within the deadlines. You will need to register to vote by Tuesday 26 November at midnight, and register for a postal vote by Tuesday 26 November at 5pm.

But casting a vote is about more than just paper in a ballot box. We can use our democratic opportunity to engage positively in the debate. During the election period, we have the chance to show kindness in the way we engage in conversation, listen to the voice of those who might otherwise not be heard, and seek the truth as we engage with political manifestos and dialogue.

We are invited to engage deeply in love with those around us in this election. By doing so, we can use this opportunity to seek peace, challenge injustice, and enable the flourishing of all.

How will you Love, Pray, Vote this General Election? We’d love to know. Tweet us @publicissues, or let us know on facebook @jointpublicissues. Don’t forget to use #LovePrayVote and #GE19 as you do.

You can find resources to help you engage with the General Election here:

General Election Resources

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