New President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference elected for 2024/25

28 June 2023


The Methodist Conference has elected the Revd Helen D. Cameron to serve as President and Mrs Carolyn Godfrey to serve as Vice-President, starting their year of office when the Representative Session of the Methodist Conference opens in Leeds in June 2024. 


The Revd Helen D. Cameron is currently the Chair of the Northampton District, and Moderator of the Free Church Group. She has served as Assistant Secretary of the Conference and was the Director of Methodist Formation at the Queens Foundation. Helen enjoyed circuit appointments in the Birmingham South-West and the Elmdon circuits and is committed to the enabling, resourcing and flourishing of lay and ordained ministry. She has served in an Anglican: Methodist LEP, in industrial and rural mission, in areas of significant deprivation and in the joy of growing churches 


Mrs Carolyn Godfrey is the District Safeguarding Officer covering both the Darlington and Newcastle Districts and a local preacher. She has a background in pastoral care and child protection within the education system helping to support children with additional needs and families facing complex issues.  Carolyn has a Master of Education degree which focused on social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.


The role of President of the Methodist Conference is reserved for presbyters and that of Vice-President for lay people or deacons. 

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