Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

31 December 2022

The President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference have made the following statement in response to the announcement of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. 

‘We share in the sadness of our Roman Catholic sisters and brothers, at the news of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. We give thanks for the way in which Benedict responded to God’s call on his life and served the Church as a theologian, pastor and leader. We continue to pray for the Catholic Church in England and Wales, and around the world. We hope that our common witness might lead all to know the love of God and that our shared mission may bring us closer together in unity, that the world might know reconciliation and peace.’ 

Pope Benedict XVI with his hands outstretched and smiling. Photo by M.Mazur/www.thepapalvisit.org.uk.

Photo by M.Mazur/www.thepapalvisit.org.uk.

The Revd Matthew Laferty, Director of the Methodist Ecumenical Office in Rome and Co-Chair of the International Methodist and Roman Catholic Dialogue, said:

‘Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was a committed ecumenist who sought Christian unity through prayer and theological dialogue between Churches. He never shied away from candid conversation about serious church-dividing issues, while also encouraging further study and reflection between Methodists and Catholics in our joint pursuit for Christian unity.’ 

A Prayer from the President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference 

Almighty God,
we thank you that you continue to call disciples to represent you on earth.
We recognise your call in the life, faith and ministry of Pope Emeritus Benedict and give thanks for his obedience in fulfilling all that you asked of him.
Thank you for receiving Benedict into the eternal home that you have been preparing for him.
We pray that all who mourn his loss will be comforted.
We hold before you the Roman Catholic Church and pray that we might continue to work together for the unity of your Church and for peace in your world.
We ask in the name of Jesus Christ,

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