Hello everyone and welcome to The Week Ahead.
Rosie Winn will be staffing the out-of-hours media emergency support line on 020 7467 5170.
Don’t forget, the clocks go back this weekend!
Wishing you all a wonderful week,
Rosie Winn and Mike Ivatt
Media Office
Universal Credit has been failing hardworking families and recently both press and politicians have noticed that the next stages of Universal Credit could cause harm. Something needs to be done and quickly. Read this new blog from the Joint Public Issues Team.
Church leaders signed a letter published in The Telegraph, supporting the Westminster debate which took place this week. It is calling for the government to lift the ban on the right of asylum seekers to work. Have you joined the campaign to #LiftTheBan? Sign the petition here.
Are you passionate about making a difference for children and young people? If so, please consider volunteering at 3Generate 2018. Volunteers are needed within the Operations, Creative, Venue and Care teams. The event takes place at Pontins, Southport, from Friday 23 to Sunday 25 November.
The ringing of church bells across the UK was restricted throughout the course of World War 1. They only rang freely after Armistice was declared on 11 November 1918. To honour that moment, and the 1,400 bell ringers who died in the war, 1,400 bell ringers are being recruited to take part in the commemorations on 11 November.
Join the week-long campaign to encourage inter faith relations in your local churches and communities. Inter Faith Week is 11-18 November with events and activities taking place around the UK. Share stories, download resources and publicise your own activities here.
All We Can and the Methodist Church in Britain continue their joint urgent appeal for the people of Indonesia. Please help those suffering after the destruction caused by September’s earthquake and tsunami on Sulawesi.
Royston Methodist Church, Cambridge, is inviting all local 4-11 year-olds to come and have fun at its half-term holiday club, Monday 29 October-Friday 2 November, 9.45am-12.30pm. For a booking form, click here.
A 12-day experience of Christianity in Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Galilee, led by former Methodist mission partner and District Chair, the Revd John Howard, 14-25 February 2019. For further details, email here.
The next Connexional Photography and Spirituality Study Tour is taking place in Rome during May 2019. A chance to explore how photography and spirituality can inspire each other and offer some unique perspectives on ourselves, our world and our faith.
A lunchtime event takes place at Marlborough Road Methodist Church, St Albans, on Thursday 1 November at 12.30pm with the theme, ‘The NHS: 70 years old. Health and Social Care in Hertfordshire and Beyond’.
Would you ‘sleep out of your comfort zone’ to help support homeless people? The West London Mission (WLM) is organising its annual Sleep Out from 7pm on Friday 26 October to 9am on Saturday 27 October, at St James’s Church, Piccadilly.
This is an ecumenical partnership of Christian peace centres across the UK and Ireland. They invite applications from Methodist Church members for a fully funded training opportunity between January and June 2019 to develop a ministry of reconciliation.
Early-bird tickets for Greenbelt (23-26 August 2019, Kettering) are available; the closing date is 31 October.
On the radio
Fourty Years On
BBC Radio 4 Extra, 6am
Saturday 27 October
Bittersweet satirical comedy about a headmaster looking back on a 50-year association with his school. Written by, and starring, Alan Bennett.
BBC Radio 4, 9.30pm
Sunday 28 October Has pupil premium funding helped poorer students succeed at school? Professor Rebecca Allen assesses the evidence.
The Democrats Dilemma: Now What
BBC Radio 4, 8.00pm
Monday 29 October
Michael Goldfarb examines what the Democratic Party stands for in the Trump era, travelling to Texas and Georgia to meet a new generation of activists.
Made in Great Britain
BBC Two, 9.00pm
Friday 26 October
Steph McGovern tells the story of how the nation’s craft and manufacturing skills have shaped its towns and cities and built modern Britain.
Songs of Praise
BBC One, 2.15pm
Sunday 28 October
The Archbishop of Canterbury reveals his favourite hymn and Katherine Jenkins pays a visit to the Royal Hospital Chelsea.
I Was a Yazidi Slave
BBC Four, 11.00pm
Sunday 28 October
Documentary exploring the personal stories of two women forced into slavery by Isis, who were helped to escape by German doctor Jan Kizilhan.
Video Thursday: Meet Your MP
Meet Your MP is an initiative from the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) to encourage positive links between church congregations and their MPs. Watch this film to find out how you can get involved.
You can find the UK parliamentary business online here. If you want to find out about the Scottish Parliamentary calendar, click here and the timetable for the National Assembly for Wales, click here.
The Week Ahead is a regular mailing that gives you a heads-up on forthcoming events and opportunities, as well as highlighting new information and resources across the Methodist Church. We cannot know about everything that’s going on, so please do email us if you have any feedback or ideas for items to include.