Hello everyone and welcome to The Week Ahead.
Mike Ivatt will be staffing the out-of-hours media emergency support line on 020 7467 5170.
Wishing you all a wonderful week,
Rosie Winn and Mike Ivatt
Media Office
Lent begins on 6 March this year and JPIT, the Joint Public Issues Team, is inviting us to take up one of six personal challenges to tackle climate change. Visit Living Lent to find out more, sign up to a challenge, receive daily emails through Lent and join a community of people making a commitment.
Racial Justice Sunday, coordinated by CTBI, takes place this weekend. This year’s resources have been provided by the United Reformed Church and follow the theme of ‘YES, to full Life for All’.
Director of Global Relationships
The Methodist Church in Britain is pleased to announce the new Director of Global Relationships will be the Revd Conrad Hicks. Currently the Assistant Chair of the South East District and a presbyter in the Hants-Surrey Border Circuit, Conrad brings a wide range of world church experience to the role.
Advent Offering – Feedback Survey
If you used the Advent Offering 2018 resources, we would love to receive your feedback to help us shape the Advent Offering 2019 and make sure the resources work for you. Responses are required by Wednesday 20 February, 2019.
Shaped by Prayer and Silence Conference
The Joint Liturgical Group Conference with Calvin Samuel and Jo Love will explore different aspects of worship, offering stimulating discussion across the denominations and sharing good practice. The event takes place Wednesday 13 March.
All We Can – Lent resources
All We Can invite us to travel lightly this Lent and to join in solidarity with our global neighbours. A range of individual, group, church and young people resources are available.
Following a number of ‘phishing attacks’ across the Connexion, you are advised to take extra care when clicking on links and downloading attachments in emails. Even if these emails come from an address you recognise and appear legitimate, please exercise caution to prevent the theft of data and the spread of computer viruses.
On the radio
Something Understood: The Wisdom of Equality
BBC Radio 4, 6.05am
Sunday, 10 February
Suryagupta Dharmacharini, chair of the London Buddhist Centre, considers what it means to be equal and how society can achieve equality.
Only Artists
BBC Radio 4, 9.00am
Wednesday, 13 February
Two artists from different disciplines discuss creative questions, processes and decisions.
Million Pound Selfie Sell Off: Panorama
BBC One, 8.30pm
Monday, 11 February
The rise of social media has brought with it a new kind of celebrity – the digital influencer. These megastars of Instagram and YouTube have upended the advertising industry by converting their virtual followers into real-world currency.
Inside the Real Saudi Arabia: Why I Had to Leave
BBC One, 10.45pm
Tuesday, 12 February
Saudi Arabia is ranked as one of the most dangerous countries in the world to be a woman. Basma Khalifa travels back to the country where she was born to see if she could ever live there again.
Skint Britain: Friends Without Benefits
Channel 4, 9.00pm
Wednesday, 13 February
Following the residents of North East town of Hartlepool as they became guinea pigs for the roll-out of Universal Credit.
Video Thursday: All We Can
This week’s Video Thursday illustrates All We Can’s Lent campaign.
In the coming week, the 2018/2019 Methodist Prayer Handbook, A World Transformed, encourages us to pray with Christians in the Americas and the Caribbean as well as Britain and Ireland. The theme for next week’s A Word in Time Bible studies is ‘The Integrity of Love’. Order your Prayer Handbook here.
You can find the UK parliamentary business online here. If you want to find out about the Scottish Parliamentary calendar, click here and the timetable for the National Assembly for Wales, click here.
The Week Ahead is a regular mailing that gives you a heads-up on forthcoming events and opportunities, as well as highlighting new information and resources across the Methodist Church. We cannot know about everything that’s going on, so please do email us if you have any feedback or ideas for items to include.