Hello everyone and welcome to ‘The Week Ahead’.
Mike Ivatt will be staffing the out-of-hours media emergency support line on 020 7467 5170.
Wishing you all a wonderful week,
the Communications team
The leaders of three Churches, including the President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference, have released a statement calling upon the UK Government to take urgent action to prevent an escalation of the conflict in Syria.
The President and Vice-President of the Methodist Conference have written a prayer for our leaders during these times of uncertainty.
Inderjit Bhogal WMC Peace Award
It has been announced that Past President of the Methodist Conference Revd Dr Inderjit Bhogal is to receive the World Methodist Council Peace Award for 2018. The annual award goes to individuals or groups “who have made significant contributions to peace, reconciliation and justice.” Read more here
Your new hosts, Cameron and Rosella, muse on how the Bible shapes our attitudes to political relationships in the latest JPIT podcast. Andy Flannagan, Director of Christians in Politics, offers valuable reflection on how we can not only ‘listen well’ but ‘disagree well’ in turbulent times.
Certificate in Contemporary Fatherhood
A new short course, Certificate in Contemporary Fatherhood, has been announced by Cliff College. The course, in partnership with Care For The Family, takes place Monday 20 to Friday 24 April 2020. You can read further details here.
Methodist Heritage Oxford
The Methodist Church in Oxford has launched a new heritage website, ‘Wesleys Oxford’ to tell the story of Methodism in Oxfordshire from 1720, when John Wesley went to the University as a student, right up to the present day. Visit the website here.
Soaring numbers of people dying on the street represents the tip of the iceberg of the suffering caused by homelessness, say Church leaders and mission partners. You can read about the work of the Methodist Church to support those who are homeless here.
The theme for this year’s Advent Offering is ‘Homelessness & Hospitality’, focusing on personal stories from people with experience of homelessness. Donations will go towards the Mission in Britain Fund, which supports many inspiring projects across Britain. You can read more and download resources here.
The Manchester Wesley Research Centre will host a joint conference, ‘Reforming the Churches: from John Wesley to the Fourfold Gospel’, with the Global Institute of the Fourfold Gospel Theology (Seoul Theological University) on Monday 21 October. All are invited to attend and a video of the presentations will be available at a later date.
Video Thursday: Israel and Palestine
The Revd Dr Barbara Glasson, President of the Methodist Conference, recently went on a trip to Israel and Palestine where she met some amazing people and heard powerful stories. A more detailed video of the trip will be available in the near future.
In the coming week, the 2019/2020 Methodist Prayer Handbook, ‘Responding to the Gospel’ encourages us to pray with Christians in Asia, the Pacific and Northern Europe as well as Britain and Ireland. The theme for next week’s A Word in Time Bible studies is “doubting and trusting”. Order your Prayer Handbook here.
For UK Parliamentary business click here. If you want to find out about the Scottish Parliamentary calendar, click here and the timetable for the National Assembly for Wales, click here.
‘The Week Ahead’ is a regular mailing that gives you a heads-up on forthcoming events and opportunities, as well as highlighting new information and resources across the Methodist Church. We cannot know about everything that’s going on, so please do email us if you have any feedback or ideas for items to include.