Category Archives: Uncategorized

Invite Your MP to church

“GET TO KNOW YOUR MP” CHURCH SERVICE This is a wonderful way to make contact with your MP after their being elected on the 4th July. You may like to send them a congratulations or welcome card – and this … Continue reading

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Churches express outrage at the Rwanda Bill

An open letter, signed by over 250 organisations from across civil society in the UK, including the Baptist, Methodist and United Reformed Churches and the Church of Scotland, has been sent to the Prime Minister following the passing of the … Continue reading

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Churches to champion voter registration

As a General Election approaches, a new initiative has been launched that will equip local churches to increase democratic participation through registering people to vote, providing information about the need to have appropriate photo ID, and encouraging people to vote … Continue reading

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The Government’s re-writing of history

The sedate environment of the House of Lords descended into farce yesterday when Baroness Neville-Rolfe, Minister of State for the Cabinet Office, responded to questions on the Economic Activities of Public Bodies Bill (Anti-Boycott Bill). An extraordinary exchange demonstrated only … Continue reading

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Church leaders issue joint call for action on poverty in 2024

Senior leaders from churches and charities have called on politicians to take urgent action on rising poverty in the UK and around the world. In a joint statement released today (Friday, January 5), senior Christian leaders – including theGeneral Secretary … Continue reading

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Good news for the New Year: A new agreement to curb tax dodging

When you heard Big Ben strike midnight on 31st December, was your first thought that “this marks the moment when international tax laws change to make it harder for multinationals to avoid tax”? If, inexplicably, you had other priorities at … Continue reading

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Universal Declaration of Human Rights – 75 years on

What is the Declaration and where did it come from? The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was written in 1948, following the devastation of the Second World War and the atrocities and absolute horror of the Holocaust. The United … Continue reading

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COP28 – A call to “accelerate action”

Following my article two weeks ago on what would count as ‘success’ at COP28, here is a report back. Predictably, COP28 ran over for an extra day as delegations struggled to tried agree a final statement that all might support. … Continue reading

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Faith in human rights: Our common journey as global citizens

This week begin celebrations of 75 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). We may not have much day to day awareness of UDHR or be able to quote any of its 30 articles, but we all have … Continue reading

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COP28 Leaders’ Summit – what happened?

The Leaders’ Summit of COP28 took place over Friday and Saturday, 1-2nd December in UAE. World leaders met to discuss and make agreements prior to negotiations throughout the rest of the Conference. These negotiations will be done by other representatives, … Continue reading

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