Churches bring together key influencers in politics and economics for major conference ahead of COP26

07 January 2020

How fundamental changes to economic and political attitudes could tackle the climate crisis will be at the heart of a major conference in March 2020.

The conference, ‘Renewal and Rebellion: Faith, Economy and Climate’, has been organised by the Methodist Church, United Reformed Church, Church of Scotland and Baptist Union. The four denominations work together as the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) on issues of peace and justice.

Keynote speakers include Ed Miliband MP, Katherine Trebek of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, Anthony Reddie, Director of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture, Christine Allen, Director of CAFOD, and Ross Greer MSP.

The conference is aimed at those concerned about the scale of response needed to the climate crisis, and who are inspired to work for change. The event will include a panel of young climate activists to explore how young people have played a role in leading change.

Workshops will explore topics from poverty to socially responsible business, and will be led by different organisations include Christian Climate Action and Christian Aid.

Rachel Lampard, Team Leader of the Joint Public Issues Team, commented:

“In the same way that we don’t leave politics to the politicians, economics isn’t only for economists. The conference is for everyone who is concerned about the climate and keen to explore what we need to do structurally in order to make the changes needed.

“We want to inspire creative, innovative and challenging responses to the climate crisis as we bring together resources from Christian tradition, economic practice and climate activism. This is about imagining how things could work for the benefit of all creation, and asking ‘what if?’ it actually came to be.”

The conference will focus on how:

– The current economic system is driving ecological degradation and inequality.

– Changes to political and economic assumptions could improve responses to the devastation caused by climate change.

– We can model new ways of living as individuals and church organisations.

2020 is a key year in which to shape the UK’s response to the climate crisis, as Glasgow hosts the UN COP26 in November.

The conference will take place at the Riverside Centre in Derby, on Saturday 7 March. Information and tickets are available here.

There are a number of free tickets available for those who are unwaged or received financial support, such as Universal Credit.

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