Methodist Youth President Lent Tour and Reflections

21 February 2020

Thelma Commey, the Methodist Youth President, is to visit selected parts of the Connexion as part of her Love in Action tour, a series of visits and reflections taking place during the season of Lent. The tour has been planned to fit with Thelma’s theme of Jesus Loves All and with her role as Youth President. The visits will focus on her offering practical service to others in order to live out Jesus’ gospel of love, and to allow her a chance to listen to the voices of those young people she will be meeting during her travels.

Thelma commented: “’Love in Action’ is the name I have given to the visits and reflections I am undertaking during Lent. They are all about practical service to others – getting stuck in and doing some work! I want to live out Jesus’ gospel of love while listening to and walking alongside others.” “I believe that we are called to love our neighbours. I want to give myself to others and to service and that includes listening. I want to be alongside the people I represent on the ground.”

Thelma’s reflections and reports from her visits will be published on the Youth President’s Twitter and Instagram pages.

Visits and Reflections

Wednesday 26 February – Wesley’s Chapel in City Road London Thelma will be helping out at a toddler group and attending the Ash Wednesday service.

Saturday 7 March – JPIT Conference Thelma will be reflecting on the event and the JPIT living Lent Campaign.  Although not attending herself, she will be posting alongside the Youth Representatives.

Tuesday 10 March – Connexional Leadership Forum Thelma will be reflecting on the work of the forum         

Friday 13 to Sunday 15 March – Sheffield
Thelma will be visiting projects and communities in Sheffield, including a foodbank, a board games café, attending a Youth Service, and helping to provide lunch for up to ninety homeless and lonely people.

Monday 16 to Wednesday 18 March – Plymouth
Thelma will be visiting the Royal Navy at Plymouth Naval Base, meeting with Chaplains and reflecting on the love displayed by those serving in and ministering to our Armed Forces.

Monday 23 to Wednesday 25 March – University of Roehampton
Preparing and serving the Community Lunch at the University of Roehampton

Saturday 28 to Monday 30 March
Reflection from the Methodist Council on their work

Wednesday 1 April
A reflection on ‘A Radical Lent’

Saturday 4 April
A reflection from the missional training project 100 Dreams, equipping young, lay leaders to pioneer schemes across London.

A visit to Acts 29 the Northampton District Methodist Youth Event.

Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 April
A visit to the West London Mission Housing and Community Services

Friday 10 April – Good Friday

Sunday 12 April – Easter Day

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