Statement on ex-President

20 October 2023

The investigation into the ex-President the Revd Graham Thompson has concluded. It was instigated after concerns were raised about Mr Thompson’s safeguarding leadership as chair of district.

The Safeguarding Committee has concluded that Mr Thompson should not take part in any front-facing, preaching and/or pastoral roles within the Methodist Church for a period of at least 12 months, during which time he will undertake additional safeguarding training.

The Methodist Church is profoundly sorry for those who have been affected where good safeguarding practice has not been upheld in relation to both individuals and the wider church community.

The Methodist Church’s safeguarding responsibilities are at the core of our mission. We are determined to make our churches a place of safety for all and will continue to do all we can to support survivors, act when we receive disclosures and respond appropriately to allegations about the behaviour of individuals, however senior.

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