Statement on the current political crisis in Sri Lanka

15 July 2022

With the events in Sri Lanka this week, the Methodist Church in Britain has received two statements from Revd W. P. Ebenezer Joseph, President of Conference, Methodist Church, Sri Lanka and Chair of the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka.

Graham Thompson,  President of the Methodist Conference, has offered this statement and prayer of support and solidarity in response:

In the past week we have witnessed the unravelling of the economic and political situation in Sri Lanka.  The crisis is having a huge impact on the availability of food, fuel and medicine, causing great suffering for the Sri Lankan people.  In response to the statements from our partners the Methodist Church, Sri Lanka and the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL), we join with their calls for a peaceful and swift resolution to the crisis.

The Methodist Church in Britain greatly values the partnership of the Methodist Church in Sri Lanka and the NCCSL, and their work in responding to this crisis.  We stand in solidarity with them and support their calls for action to bring stability and pave the way for democratic elections.  We share with them in the appeal for non-violent and peaceful activity, both on the part of protesters and the authorities in dealing with them.

We join in prayer using the prayer points received from Revd. W. P. Ebenezer Joseph.

Almighty and loving God, we pray for Sri Lanka, its people and for our Methodist Church partners. We give thanks for the work of the Methodist Church in Sri Lanka as they reach out and support the most vulnerable at this time of threat and insecurity.  We ask that you strengthen them in all that that they do in your Name.

We pray for political stability, peace and for the early formation of an all-party government.  We pray for the evolution of a new political culture that will serve all people.  We pray for relief for the many thousands who are suffering due to the economic hardships and trust that your abiding presence will be a source of comfort and strength for all.

In the name of Christ,  Amen.

The Revd Graham Thompson
President of the Methodist Conference


A statement by the Methodist Church Sri Lanka on the crisis in Sri Lanka – 8 July 2022

A statement by the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka On the prevailing political crisis in Sri Lanka – 14 July 2022

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