Welcome to The Buzz!
The Buzz brings all members of the Methodist Church in Britain together by sharing your good news from across the Connexion. Your stories tell of the many different ways that the Church is working out the four aspects of Our Calling: Worship, Learning and Caring, Service and Evangelism.
What is God doing for you and in your area? Get in touch to share your stories.
Rosie Winn Media Officer
The first Bible bank in Birmingham Court Oak Road Methodist Church, Harborne
The first Bible bank in Birmingham has been unveiled at Court Oak Road Methodist Church, Harborne and marks the growth of Bible banks.
There are already 14 churches with Bible banks in the area. These include Methodist, Anglican, Baptist and Pentecostal churches and the Salvation Army.
The Revd Christine Scott sums up the significance of this new development by commenting: “It is our sincere hope that our Bible bank will be the first of many in the Birmingham area where there is a great need for free Bibles.”
Igloo at Polar Adventure Holiday Club Acle Methodist Church, Norwich
Children enjoyed a break from the sunshine at the Polar Adventure Holiday Club, Acle Methodist Church in Norwich.
At the club, children enjoyed making toy polar bears, penguins, polar collages and even ‘snow’ which they used to construct polar scenes. In the kitchen, polar bear cupcakes were baked, frozen banana penguins and ice cream were enjoyed. Games included ice-fishing and snowballs.
Over two days, the children explored the theme of ‘courage’ as they heard how penguins braved the cold to keep their eggs safe. They looked at how Jesus overcame his fears by praying to his Father in Gethsemane, and learned about having the courage to speak out as they listened to the story of Moses and the burning bush.
The pictured igloo was not just a fun place for the children to play. It was also used for creative prayer, with children writing their worries and fears on paper ‘snowballs’ which were then scrunched up. They were encouraged to let their worries ‘melt away’ and to talk to God whenever they felt scared.
Sara Edwards who led the club, said: “We chose the theme as a tribute to Lucinda Barrick, one of our volunteers who had helped at all the previous clubs and who sadly passed away last year. She loved penguins and travelling to the polar regions. The children really engaged with both the polar theme and what it meant to be courageous. This was one of our best holiday clubs ever.”
A celebration of Songs of Praise, Gosberton Methodist Church, Spalding
Gosberton Methodist Church, Spalding, organised its own Songs of Praise evening as part of its flower festival.
Singing and music, led by the Revd Frances Ballantyne, were enjoyed amidst the fragrance of the flowers.
The flowers were arranged to fit with the theme ‘The Church Year’ including a display for All We Can.
As the festival drew to a close, a celebratory communion took place.
The Revd Frances Ballantyne said: “It was great to see that through the conversations, much was achieved together, for ourselves and for others.”
All are welcome Leaside Church, Ware
Leaside Church and Community Centre in Ware recently marked the completion of its £800,000 building project with a weekend of celebrations.
People came to admire the improvements which have transformed the existing buildings, creating the opportunity for the United Reformed and Methodist ecumenical partnership, to extend its outreach through more activities for children, the elderly and other community organisations.
As he officially opened the centre, local MP Mark Prisk said: “This is a brilliant link between church and community for everyone in Ware.”
A packed congregation attended a service of Dedication and Thanksgiving led by the Revd Kathryn Taylor.
The centre has a new reception area linking the existing church and hall buildings, incorporating a new kitchen with disabled access and toilets. The 1930s hall and meeting rooms have been completely refurbished, providing a range of modern accommodation for church and community use.
The improvements have been made possible through a combination of grants, loans, donations and other fundraising, including generous contributions from the Beds, Essex and Herts Methodist District and the Herts and Essex Border Ecumenical Area.
The Revd Kathryn Taylor commented: “Leaside’s mission is to reach out into the community and connect with people in all walks of life, offering a welcome to all, meeting their needs. The project is already having an impact, with more people attending activities every day of the week.”
280 years ago, John Wesley wrote about his heart being strangely warmed. This additional Buzz story focuses on the “the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ”.
The Restoration Project Albrighton Methodist Church, Shropshire
It was a momentous day for the members of Albrighton Methodist Church in Shropshire, as they witnessed the decommissioning of their old chapel and started the second phase of considerable redevelopment.
The first phase – an upgrade of the community hall and kitchen – was completed in July 2007. The extensive project now continues with restoration and internal work.
The redevelopment has come to fruition after 11 years of dedicated fundraising by church members. A number of grant-making organisations also made awards to the project.
The Revd Chris Harrison said: “This exciting project will enable us to move forward with our mission to ‘strive to be the Church, in, with and for the community’, continuing our devoted Christian witness and service for the past 134 years in the centre of Albrighton village.”
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