The Week Ahead

4 October 2018

Hi everyone and welcome to The Week Ahead.

This week we are marking National Poetry Day and Good Money Week.

Rosie Winn will be staffing the out-of-hours media emergency support line on 020 7467 5170.

Wishing you all a wonderful week,

Rosie Winn and Mike Ivatt

Media Office

Indonesia appeal

All We Can and The Methodist Church in Britain have launched an urgent appeal for the people of Indonesia, following the destruction caused by the earthquake and tsunami on Sulawesi.

Methodist Ministers’ Housing Society

Methodist Ministers’ Housing Society want to recruit for three new members to join its Board of Governance and develop its skills and insight. The deadline is Friday 2 November.

Meet Your MP 

On Friday 5 October the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) is launching a new initiative, ‘Meet Your MP’, to build links between congregations and MPs in England and Wales. You can download a toolkit, how-to guide and youth resources to support the initiative.

Religious Freedom report

The Methodist Church Consultation on Religious Freedom report is now available to download. The report follows the Church’s first consultation on religious freedom and includes a summary of the presentations, discussions and outcomes.

Lift the ban

Throughout October, Refugee Action is campaigning to lift the ban preventing those seeking asylum from working. Join the campaign here.

Week of Prayer for World Peace

Taking place from 14-21 October, the week holds events throughout the UK, welcoming everyone of all faith traditions or none to take part.

Advent Offering

This year’s Advent Offering theme is ‘Overflowing Love’. Resources are now available to download,  featuring ‘Welcoming Love’ stories from the Open Doors project in Hull which supports asylum seekers and refugees.

Tickets for CRE 2018

The next Christian Resources Exhibition takes place from 16-18 October at Sandown Park, Surrey. Click here and enter the code METH18 to save £5 on the day-of-admission ticket price.

‘Wobbly Bits of the Bible’

Explore how to deal with the ‘Wobbly Bits of the Bible’ and scripture at a one-day event, hosted by the Open Churches Network, on Saturday 20 October, 10am-4pm at the Oasis Centre, London. Use promo code METHODIST15 for a 25% discount.

On the radio

The Verb

Friday 5 October

BBC Radio 3, 10.00pm

Recorded at the Contains Strong Language Festival of poetry and performance in Hull, The Verb examines young poets celebrating 20 years of the Foyle Young Poet Award.


Saturday 6 October

BBC Radio 4, 9.00pm

From TE Lawrence and the Great Pyramid at Giza to the Third Battle of Gaza, Michael Chaplin’s drama explores the Intelligence battle redrawing the Middle East.

The Global Philosopher

Saturday 6 October

BBC Radio 4, 10.15pm

Free speech is a cornerstone of democracy, and freedom of expression is regarded as a fundamental human right. But even in democracies there are disputes about the limits to free speech.


The Debt Saviours

Friday 5 October

BBC Two, 9.00pm

With more than four million people across Britain bearing debts that are considered unsustainable, responsibility for offering advice and help is increasingly falling to charities.

Troubles: The Life After

Saturday 6 October

BBC Two, 9.30pm

An intimate account of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, told through the stories of people who lost loved ones during the conflict, which lasted more than 30 years.

A Dangerous Dynasty: House of Assad

Tuesday 9 October

BBC Two, 9.00pm

Documentary about the al-Assad family, which has ruled Syria since 1971 and established an authoritarian government in the country under the control of the Ba’ath Party.

Video Thursday: Photos of my son

In this week’s film, the Revd Lucy Berry, the Joint Public Issues Team’s poet-in-residence, has written a poem for #NationalPoetryDay.


In the coming week, the 2018/2019 Methodist Prayer Handbook, A World Transformed, encourages us to pray with Christians in Africa and Latin America, as well as Britain and Ireland. The theme for next week’s A Word in Time Bible studies is ‘Wisdom and Mystery’. Order your new Prayer Handbook here.


You can find the UK parliamentary business online here. If you want to find out about the Scottish Parliamentary calendar, click here and the timetable for the National Assembly for Wales, click here.

The Week Ahead is a regular mailing that gives you a heads-up on forthcoming events and opportunities, as well as highlighting new information and resources across the Methodist Church. We cannot know about everything that’s going on, so please do email us if you have any feedback or ideas for items to include.


Office hours: 020 7467 5191

Urgent out-of-hours support from the Media Team:
020 7467 5170

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