Hello everyone and welcome to ‘The Week Ahead’.
Jillian Moody will be staffing the out-of-hours media emergency support line on 020 7467 5170.
Wishing you all a wonderful week,
the Communications team
Join the West London Mission’s annual Sleep Out on Friday 25 October and help support homeless people off the streets and onto a better chapter in their lives. The sleep out is an opportunity for you to be sponsored by friends, family and colleagues, sleeping out for just one night so that others don’t have to. Hosted in the secure gardens of St James’s Church, Piccadilly, you get to safely experience a few of the challenges that homeless people have to face every night.
Ordained women ministers now have numerical equality in Methodism. Taking inspiration from John Wesley’s ‘extraordinary call’ for lay and female preachers, this conference will focus on women preachers past and present. Taking place Friday 8 to Saturday 9 November at Harcourt Hill Campus, Oxford Brookes University. Email admin.ocmch@brookes.ac.uk for details.
You can read about Jasmine Yeboah’s journey through her year as Youth President here.
Ex-President Revd Michaela Youngson will be leading the Daily Service on Friday 23 August at 9.45am on BBC Radio Four Long Wave. You can also hear the programme on a special DAB channel and Radio Four Long Wave online. It will be available after broadcast here.
Please email the media team when your church, circuit or district gets into the newspaper or onto TV or radio. Not only can we share in your good news but it helps us to grow the voice of the Church. Email us when you get coverage in the media or if you need support.
Everyone is invited to the inaugural Walter Hall Lecture
given by the Rt Hon. Lord David Willetts on 23 October at 6.30pm at Central Methodist Hall, London. The lecture will focus on the needs of older people and intergenerational responsibility. Visit MHA’s website or RSVP to chaplaincypa@mha.org.uk.
Thursday video: Jasmine’s Final Thoughts
Youth President Jasmine Yeboah reflects on her presidential year.
Parliament is in recess. If you want to find out about the Scottish Parliamentary calendar, click here and the timetable for the National Assembly for Wales, click here.
‘The Week Ahead’ is a regular mailing that gives you a heads-up on forthcoming events and opportunities, as well as highlighting new information and resources across the Methodist Church. We cannot know about everything that’s going on, so please do email us if you have any feedback or ideas for items to include.