Youth President comments on COP28

13 December 2023

The Methodist Youth President, Thomas Hart, has commented on COP28, the annual United Nations conference where governments discuss how to limit climate change. 

At the close of COP28, it is encouraging that there has been a novel deal struck, that encourages all countries to move away from fossil fuels. However, it is truly disappointing that governments have not collectively agreed to phase out fossil fuels completely. We have been blessed with a wonderful world that has been crafted by our Creator God, and it is time that global governments take collective responsibility, to stop the gluttonous nature of deals and proactively protect God’s World, our home.

The agreed deal must move away from fossil fuels promptly and fairly to protect those most affected by the climate crisis. Our UK government need to make sure that we decarbonise our economy, as well as providing adequate financial support developing nations to move to a more sustainable world.

Children and young people of the Methodist Church continually highlight their concern about our climate crisis and their passion for environmental justice. 3Generate gave children and young people the opportunity to send letters to their local MPs indicating issues that concerned them and a number of which, highlighted the climate crisis. It is important, that we hold our government and global authorities in prayer to make the actions and decisions, which are true to building God’s Kingdom on earth.

You can read a short reflection on COP28 from Dr Hamish Leese, the Action for Hope Implementation Officer, here

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