Launch of the Bahamas Hurricane Appeal

07 September 2019

As the BBC warns of ‘unimaginable’ human suffering and a ‘staggering’ death toll in the wake of Hurricane Dorian, All We Can and the Methodist Church in Britain have launched a joint appeal for those affected in The Bahamas.

Our long-term partner in the region is responding with food, clean water and medicines, thanks to an emergency cash grant. However, they have issued an appeal for more support as the full extent of the devastation is uncovered. The response is focusing on the Abaco and Great Bahamas islands which were hit the hardest by the hurricane.

All We Can and the Methodist Church in Britain  are calling for support for this  urgent appeal. All We Can’s CEO, Graeme Hodge said, “Together, we stand shoulder to shoulder with people affected by Hurricane Dorian – with communities, families, children and grandparents at the very heart of the suffering.”

The Methodist Church in Britain’s Director of Global Relationships, the Revd Conrad Hicks said, “With limited resources, our sisters and brothers across the Caribbean are responding to the plight of those impacted by this natural disaster. This appeal gives us an opportunity to stand in solidarity with them.”

Please pray for the people of the Bahamas, and give all you can to the Bahamas Hurricane Emergency Appeal. Your gift today will be used to meet emergency needs.

Details of the appeal and how to give can be found here.

A prayer for the people of the Bahamas
Use the prayer below, written by All We Can’s Churches and Volunteers Manager, Tim Baker, in your congregation’s worship, this Sunday:

God of every place,
Our hearts break for the people of the Bahamas
As lives, homes and communities have been torn apart by the violence of Hurricane Dorian.
Amongst the devastation of the storm,
The grief for the departed,
The vulnerability of the survivors,
Come, Spirit of comfort, come.

God of every moment,
We commend to you all those seeking to offer hope, shelter, support and company
In the Bahamas today and in the days to come.
Amongst the danger of travel,
The overwhelming need,
The long-term challenges of rebuilding,
Come, Spirit of comfort, come.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.

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